yoloha life blog
A curated guide to yoga, wellness, health and more.

Inspire Your Home Practice
Whether you are new to yoga and looking to start your practice or a lifelong yogi seeking to maintain motivation, here are some ways you...
Bullet Journaling: Finding Peace in Chaotic Times
Learn how to use bullet journaling as a way to bring organization and clarity to your life.
How to Tap into Your Creativity While Spending Time at Home
Science has shown us art of any kind does things like: lowering stress, activating the brain’s reward center, processing emotions, and boosting hopefulness. It connects us...
Staying Healthy in Hard Times
It can be hard enough to strike a balance between pushing ourselves and recharging our batteries when times are good. What about when it’s challenging...
Living in Harmony this Fall
Embrace the change of season with dietary, lifestyle and personal shifts to bring in rhythm with nature.
10 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga is a tool that empowers you during pregnancy, lifts you up with freakishly abundant stamina, and attunes your energy to the growing life inside...
Find Your Balance on the Equinox
The Fall Equinox is a time to draw our attention inwards. Find your balance this Fall with these tips and tricks.
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